@inproceedings{unilog-2015, author = {Haeusler, Edward Hermann and Rademaker, Alexandre}, title = {On How Kelsenian Jurisprudence and Intuitionistic Logic help to avoid Contrary-to-Duty paradoxes in Legal Ontologies}, optcrossref = {}, optkey = {}, booktitle = {Handbook of the 5th World Congress and School on Universal Logic}, year = {2015}, opteditor = {Jean-Yves Beziau and Safak Ural and Arthur Buchsbaum and Iskender Tasdelen and Vedat Kamer}, pages = {208--307}, month = jul, address = {Istanbul, Turkey}, organization = {Istanbul University}, url = {http://www.uni-log.org/start5.html}, pdflink1 = {/files/unilog-2015.pdf}, slides = {/files/unilog-2015-slides.pdf}, note = {abstract only} }