Completing the Princeton Annotated Gloss Corpus Project


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  author = {Rademaker, Alexandre and Cuconato, Bruno and Cid, Alessandra and Tessarollo, Alexandre and Andrade, Henrique},
  title = {Completing the Princeton Annotated Gloss Corpus Project},
  optcrossref = {},
  optkey = {},
  booktitle = {Proceedigns of the 10th Global Wordnet Conference},
  year = {2019},
  opteditor = {},
  optvolume = {},
  optnumber = {},
  optseries = {},
  optpages = {},
  month = jul,
  optaddress = {Wroclaw, Poland},
  organization = {Global Wordnet Association},
  optpublisher = {},
  note = {to appear},
  optannote = {}