@inproceedings{propor-2014, title = {Extending a Lexicon of Portuguese Nominalizations with Data from Corpora}, author = {Freitas, Cl\'audia and de Paiva, Valeria and Rademaker, Alexandre and de Melo, Gerard and Real, Livy and de Araujo Correia da Silva, Anne}, booktitle = {Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, 11th International Conference, PROPOR 2014}, address = {S\~ao Carlos, Brazil}, month = oct, year = {2014}, editor = {Baptista, Jorge and Mamede, Nuno and Candeias, Sara and Paraboni, Ivandr\'e and Pardo, Thiago A. S. and das Gra\c{c}as Volpe Nunes, Maria}, publisher = {Springer}, pdflink1 = {/files/propor-2014.pdf}, slides = {/files/propor-2014-slides.pdf} }